quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2008

A particular property of the Lorentz's equations


António Saraiva – 2008-06-17

In the relativity theory there is a called invariant value between two frames S^2:

S^2 = c^2t^2 – x^2 = c^2t0^2 – x0^2

But as x and t are considered to be independent coordinates space and time, the value of S^2 varies between each pair of frames ( c is the light speed ).

x = 4 ; t = 2 : S^2 = 3.6E+17

x = 6 ; t = 9 : S^2 = 7.3E+18

As it always exists a relative speed between each pair of frames, the value of S^2 is a universal constant:

c^2t0^2 – x0^2 = c^2t1^2 – x1^2 = … = c^2tn^2 – xn^2

c^2tn^2 – xn^2 = k (universal constant)

k = 4E-34m^2

As so, we can’t give independent values to the variables x and t. If we give a value to one we can immediately calculate the other. So, x and t are not space and time but wavelength and period of an electromagnetic wave.

x = ( c^2t^2 – k )^0.5

Thus, we prove that the space-time doesn’t exist. A direct consequence is that the vacuum light speed w is variable with the frequency:

w = ( c^2 – kf^2 )^0.5

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